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Assista ao primeiro episódio de cada temporada de Drag Race gratuitamente ou faça um upgrade para ter acesso total. Os planos pagos começam em apenas $5.99/mês. Os preços variam de acordo com o território.
A typical WOW Presents Plus subscription is not licensed for public viewings or events. If you are a venue operator and would like to show content from WOW Presents Plus, including any available Drag Race Franchises, you are required to have a Commercial License to WOW Presents Plus.
Pricing is tiered based on the certified fire code occupancy (FPO) of the venue (or the local equivalent for venues outside the United States).
Besides being in legal compliance with copyright law and the WOW Presents Plus Terms of Service, being a Commercial Licensee also grants you the following benefits.
- Licensed use of the Drag Race logos for series available in your territory on WOW Presents Plus including co-branded marketing assets for print and social use
Table Toppers, Coasters, and other merchandise to help establish your venue as an officially licensed viewing location
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